Catholic Education Week
Nurturing Hope
Cultiver l’espérance
The new school year offers us an opportunity to reflect upon our personal, professional and spiritual growth and to set some new goals.
The theme chosen for the upcoming 2021 Catholic Education Week is Nurturing Hope.
Catholic Education Week is held each year in May in our 29 Ontario Catholic school boards. It will run from May 2 – May 7, 2021.
The theme for Catholic Education Week 2021, Nurturing Hope, was inspired by the following considerations:
- Recognition of the special Year of Laudato Si’ which will run through May 24, 2021, announced by Pope Francis on May 24, 2020, the fifth anniversary of his papal encyclical, “On Caring for Our Common Home.”
- In the face of the ongoing reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, a strong desire by the planning committee, along with those consulted, and supported by feedback from the survey, for continuity with the theme for Catholic Education Week 2020, Igniting Hope, which has served so well during the spring recess from in-school instruction.
- The challenges to personal and spiritual well-being posed by the uncertainty and physical isolation of the current global crisis makes the timing and the concerns of Mental Health Week, which takes place during the same week as Catholic Education Week, all the more relevant.
- Ongoing recognition of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the relevance of Indigenous culture and spirituality to the spirit of Laudato Si.
At this time, we felt it was important to celebrate the good work and hope of Catholic education now and in the future.
The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2021 are as follows:
Monday: Preparing the Earth / Préparer la terre
Tuesday: Sowing Seeds of Gratitude / Semer la gratitude
Wednesday: Cultivating Relationships / Cultiver nos relations
Thursday: Harvesting New Fruit / Récolter de nouveaux fruits
Friday: Marvelling in Wonder / S’émerveiller
Catholic Education Week Prayer
Gracious and generous God, creator of the earth, our common home,
With each new day, we prepare the earth of our lives by sowing seeds of gratitude for all you have given. Inspire us to cultivate relationships with all living beings. May we harvest new fruit and marvel in the wonder at the beauty around us. Nurture us in hope.
Amen. +