“Religious Education in Catholic schools complements family and parish-based catechesis.” (General Directory for Catechesis, 1997) The collaboration of caring adults in the school, the home, and the parish supports students as they grow to become discerning believers, effective communicators, reflective life-long learners, collaborative contributors, caring family members and responsible citizens formed in Catholic traditions.
Our Catholic faith is made visible in all subject areas through the infusion of Catholic Social Teaching, virtues and gospel values into daily learning experiences. The Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations guide the learning journey for all students. Our Faith Framework is a visible sign of the interconnectedness of Catholic themes throughout the Religion programs from FDK to Grade 12.

Religion & Family Life Programs
The Religious Education programs of the Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board are published by the Ontario Assembly of Catholic Bishops (ACBO) and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). At the elementary level, these programs invite students to experience the mystery of their Catholic faith through prayer and participation in the Liturgy, according to the focus of each year. As students move through the catechetical program, they gain a deepened knowledge and understanding of their Catholic faith according to the year’s focus.
We invite you to view Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ for comprehensive information on our Religious and Family Life programming.
Fully Alive is a Family Life Education program sponsored by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario (ACBO). The ACBO is one of the four regional Assemblies of Catholic bishops in Canada, and is made up of all of the Catholic bishops in Ontario. Catholic Family Life Education is closely associated with Religious Education. In Ontario Catholic schools, it accounts for 20% of the Religious Education program, and is usually taught once a week.
Family Life Education, as it is represented in Fully Alive, is intended to pass on a distinctively Catholic view of human life, sexuality, marriage, and family. Its goal is to complement the efforts of families and to support what parents are doing at home. The entire program, from Grades 1 through Grade 8 is designed to encourage children to become the people God wants them to be — to be fully alive.
Useful Links & Partnerships:
- Ontario Catholic Education Community Network
- Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario
- Institute for Catholic Education
- Diocese of London, Ontario
- Elementary Religion Policy Document
- Elementary Family Life Policy Document
- Visual Overview of Religious Education Strands
- Weebly of Religious Education Curriculum Resources