Publicly Funded Catholic Schools
The Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board is a community of believers created in the image of God. We nurture all persons to grow in their understanding of God’s love through personal encounters with Jesus Christ. Our Religious and Family Life Education programs provide high quality Catholic education through scripture, story, and tradition. The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario provides our curriculum policy and resource documents with corresponding expectations, knowledge and skills for each grade. The Institute for Catholic Education provides guidance and direction with the Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations which we gratefully demonstrate our thankful awareness of God’s presence through prayer, liturgy and the celebration of the sacraments.
“Religious Education in Catholic schools complements family and parish-based catechesis.” (General Directory for Catechesis, 1997) The collaboration of caring adults in the school, the home, and the parish supports students as they grow to become discerning believers, effective communicators, reflective life-long learners, collaborative contributors, caring family members and responsible citizens formed in Catholic traditions.
Our Catholic faith is made visible in all subject areas through the infusion of Catholic Social Teaching, virtues and gospel values into daily learning experiences. The Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations guide the learning journey for all students. Our Faith Framework is a visible sign of the interconnectedness of Catholic themes throughout the Religion programs from Kindergarten to Grade 12.