Philosophy and Goals
Educators in Ontario Schools strive to help all learners to achieve their potential in the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural, and moral development. As a Catholic System, we are also committed to the spiritual development of students.
In the case of intellectually gifted learners, as with other exceptionalities, learning experiences must be provided which challenge and stimulate their exceptional abilities. Gifted learners require a qualitatively differentiated program tailored to their individual needs.
Differentiation in curriculum can take place in four areas: content, process, product and evaluation. For gifted learners this will involve modifications to the kind, breadth, depth and pace of these experiences. The main focus of a gifted student’s program should be on developing self-esteem, skills in problem solving, independent study, research, creative and critical thinking while challenging them to develop their abilities to the fullest.
Definition of Giftedness
The Ministry of Education, in the Education Act, defines Giftedness as, “An unusually advanced degree of general intellectual ability that requires differentiated learning experiences of a depth and breadth beyond those normally provided in the regular school program to satisfy the level of educational potential indicated.”
From the Ministry’s definition, the aim of our program is, “to encourage gifted learners to function with competence, integrity, and joy, as active, independent, creative, and productive people in their societies.” To facilitate this process, the teacher and school system need to be able to identify these students.
Procedures for Identification of Gifted Students in Huron-Perth
The classroom teacher administers the CCAT to students in grades 4 and 7 in October. The students who score 130+ (composite) on the CCAT are recommended for identification by IPRC and eligible to participate in the Infinite Horizons Program. Students may also be eligible to participate in the program provided a professional assessment has been completed and criteria has been met for gifted identification.
Classroom teachers fill out the Teacher Nomination Form and Teacher Observation Guide for students scoring 130+ (composite) on the CCAT. Parents are asked to complete the Parent Nomination Form. Students complete the Student Interest Inventory.
The classroom teacher (or resource teacher) submits the completed Teacher Nomination Form, Teacher Observation Guide, Parent Nomination Form, Student Interest Inventory, CCAT Results, and a copy of the student’s IEP, to the Gifted Education Team.
The Gifted Education Team reviews the Student Profile to determine student eligibility for participation in the Infinite Horizons Program.
Infinite Horizons
The Infinite Horizons Program allows Gifted Learners from several or all of our schools to come together to intensely explore topics/themes/ideas in collaborations with peers of like ability. The programs are developed by the Huron-Perth C.D.S.B. Gifted Education Team to provide an innovative learning experience within a cross-curricular approach. Cooperative problem-solving and inquiry skills are promoted while increasing the students awareness of, and respect for, multi-cultural perspectives.
Please view our Plan for Gifted Learners for further information.
Links related to Gifted Education