Special Education

We Believe That…


  • All students can learn and that they have an inherent right to a caring, effective and inclusive education with their same-age peers;
  • All students educated in our schools have the right to learn, to live and to contribute as responsible Catholics in society;
  • Universal design and differentiated instruction are effective and interconnected means of ensuring high expectations are held for all and full participation in opportunities for learning and growth appropriate to individual needs, abilities and gifts are provided;
  • Shared responsibility and collaboration among parents, students, teachers, school and system staff will enhance the learning and growth of all students;
  • In the school community, each individual member is valued, diversity is celebrated as the norm, people are of equal worth, relationships are of mutual benefit, and belonging is nurtured;
  • The Ontario Curriculum is designed for all students and instructional/assessment practices must reflect the abilities, needs, interests and learning styles of students of both genders and all racial, linguistic and ethnocultural groups.
For a comprehensive overview of the special education programs and services available to meet the needs of all students in our fully inclusive education system, please visit the link to the HPCDSB Special Education Plan.

Detailed information about a variety of special education topics as they pertain to our board can be found by visiting the links below:

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​Identification, Placement and Review Committee​ ​
​​​​An outline of the process of identifying students as exceptional through the Identification, Placement and Review Committee​​

​Individual Education Plan​ ​ ​
​​An explanation of Individual Education Plans including what an IEP is, why a student may have one and how it is developed​​

​​Gifted Learners​​ ​
​​Information regarding the identification and program planning for gifted learners is provided​

​​ ​Applied Behaviour Analysis Supports​ ​ ​​
​ A summary of Applied Behaviour Analysis and related supports and resources​

​Special Education Advisory Committee​ ​ ​
An overview of the Special Education Advisory Committee including roles and responsibilities, members, and meeting agendas/minutes​

​Additional Resources​​​​
​Numerous guiding ministry documents and related resources​​